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Strategy Development

We observe our client’s position in its domain relative to its known competition and other threats, obstacles and hazards. We consider regulatory barriers as well as technological gaps, encroaching new product substitutes and entirely new classes of competitive forces.

Discovery often comes about during our standard Value Chain examination and analysis where-in we may observe missing links as vulnerabilities and/or opportunities. We typically construct and lay out our client’s value chain along those of its competitors to illustrate gaps and weaknesses that must be corrected.

We help our clients identify and understand problems, recognize trends, evaluate opportunities, devise winning strategies and execute plans designed to drive profitable growth.

Business Roadmap Implementation

Your company may have a defined strategy, but business operations are not yet in strategic alignment. Comstock Consulting has access to a network of global experts in logistics, transportation, eCommerce, and trade services, as well as experienced leaders in project management, process design, product development and change management who can collaborate with your team to design and implement solutions for your business.  We have the insight and capability to help you move your organization forward successfully.

Expert Review

Occasionally, companies have existing decisions or plans and seek to review the proposed direction to confirm the validity of decisions taken or to reveal possible pitfalls so that plans may be corrected before moving ahead.    Comstock Consulting has the qualified resources to provide such evaluations for our clients.  We have assisted private equity firms, start-ups as well as major corporations with such reviews.

Depending on the nature of the project or decision, Expert Reviews can be handled quickly and efficiently and may provide the assurance to move your business ahead successfully.

“Advice by the Slice”

The business world is changing and so should consulting. Comstock Consulting’s global network of experts is available to act quickly for a reasonable price.  Occasionally, information or insight is needed but budget, timing or scope does not warrant a full consulting engagement.  This is where “Advice by the Slice” can be the solution.